Trinity San Francisco Opportunity Center

The Trinity San Francisco Opportunity Center supports the feeding and outreach programs of Trinity St. Peter's Episcopal Church in San Francisco and helps to maintain historic Trinity Church.

Our Programs

Open Cathedral

Open Cathedral includes bag lunches and a non-denominational Christian outdoor service.

Old First Community Dinners

This program provides roughly 50-60 monthly meals to the homeless community.

Support The Trinity Opportunity Center


Serve meals, assemble bagged lunches, cheer on athletes and more.


We are a 501(c)3 charity and donations are tax deductible.

In Kind Donations

This involves toiletry donations to build kits for the Hamilton Family Center.

We rely on the support of our volunteers and participants.

Our Mission

The Trinity San Francisco Opportunity Center supports the feeding and outreach programs of Trinity St. Peter's Episcopal Church in San Francisco and helps to maintain historic Trinity Church.

Ample Space

We have space available for community groups to engage in feeding and other outreach programs.

Goal of Service

Our goal is to be available 24/7 to serve the needs of our community.

Looking to Collaborate

We are looking for opportunities to collaborate with individuals and groups on outreach programs.

From Our Volunteers

"Open Cathedral, a program of the San Francisco Night Ministry, conducts an outdoor worship service every Sunday at UN Plaza for residents of the Tenderloin. After the service, a meal is served. For many years now I have coordinated Trinity-St. Peter’s involvement in this ministry.  Six times per year, we prepare 100 bag lunches and take them down to the service. When I can, I like to stay for the service, help with distributing the lunches, and socialize with the congregation. There is a solid group of members who attend regularly and actively help with the service and meal.  For me, the experience is a powerful reminder that the Spirit is alive and well everywhere."

-Bruce Huston, Volunteer

"I got involved with the Old First Community Dinners several years ago when Trinity St. Peters was asked to prepare a dinner.  When they told me that they needed volunteers at every dinner regardless of who was cooking I said yes.  The core group of volunteers are a lovely and dedicated bunch who go the extra mile to make guests welcome and to mitigate any issues that might arise.  Many of the guests were there every month and it was great to be able to welcome them back and inquire about their lives.  During the pandemic, we have made bagged meals to go for the guests, since we cannot host them inside.  I hope that our in-person service will begin again soon."

-Murrey Nelson, Volunteer

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